Our Members

MDSGC Member Institutions

Our members display a strong commitment to advancing space science or engineering in Maryland. In the past, interested institutions have been considered for membership after executing several successful proposals funded by MDSGC. Member organizations gain access to scholarship funds for eligible students as well as a voice on the Program Committee that makes funding decisions and advises about overall MDSGC policy.

In order to maintain membership, an organization must participate actively in committee matters and other MDSGC activities, including facilitating connections for MDSGC business with its faculty, students, infrastructure, or other resources. For information about each institution’s role including local points of contact, click on the links below.

Johns Hopkins University (Lead Institution)
Baltimore, Maryland

Capitol Technology University
Laurel, Maryland

Hagerstown Community College
Hagerstown, Maryland

Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Laurel, Maryland

Morgan State University
Baltimore, Maryland

National Center for Earth & Space Science Education
Ellicott City, Maryland

Towson University
Towson, Maryland

United States Naval Academy
Annapolis, Maryland

University of Maryland Baltimore County
Baltimore, Maryland

University of Maryland College Park
College Park, Maryland

University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Princess Anne, Maryland

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